News & Opinion
The latest developments in cannabis.
Report Launch: The Social Impact of Cannabis Legalisation
Hanway Associates is proud to launch ‘The Social Impact of Cannabis Legalisation: How cannabis reform can shape lives, livelihoods and the law’.
Hanway welcomes Woodley BioReg to the CROP17 partnership
Hanway is delighted to welcome Woodley BioReg as the newest member of CROP17 - a turnkey solution for planning, building and operating cannabis facilities.
As a CROP17 partner, Woodley BioReg will provide pharmaceutical regulatory affairs and quality assurance support for its cannabis clients, including process design and validation, QMS and MHRA licensing.
A cap on high-potency is far from low-risk
A leaked German position paper from the Ministry of Health has revealed a proposal to cap the THC content of legal cannabis at 15%. We lay out why we think a 15% THC cap is highly misguided, and would be likely to hamper the legal industry in converting illicit market consumers.
Forecasting Cannabis Reform - A European Review
In this post we show how Hanway’s Cannabis Legalisation Matrix can be applied across a selection of European countries.
Transparency in non-transparent markets
As new legal cannabis-based products are being approved for markets in various jurisdictions, Hanway explores the versatility of cannabis as a medical product and the impact this has on production standards. Cannabis-based products are unique in that their uses have a wide range of applications spanning multiple industries such as consumer, wellness, over-the-counter and pharmaceuticals.
Failure to Launch: The case for Canadian excise tax reform
Since 2018, cannabis legalisation in Canada has generated billions in GDP and tax revenue, created tens of thousands of jobs, and made deep dents in the illicit market. But as the market matures, the cannabis excise tax system is threatening the financial viability of smaller and independently-owned operators - the lifeblood of the Canadian cannabis industry.
Can you predict cannabis reform?
Hanway Associate’s ‘Legalisation Matrix’ gives a top-level view of the factors that can influence a country’s path towards cannabis reform, and the shape and pace at which it happens.
Hanway Associates sign strategic partnership with leading PR firm Pagefield
Pagefield, the independent PR and public affairs consultancy, and Hanway Associates, Europe’s leading advisory firm specialising in strategy, research, and M&A for the cannabis sector, have signed a strategic partnership to create a full-service consultancy offer for businesses looking to operate in this emerging, heavily-regulated sector.
What will happen to Europe’s medical cannabis patients?
As European countries start to seriously engage with recreational cannabis reform, both industry operators and policymakers must grapple with the question of how this will affect the medical cannabis sector and outcomes for patients.
Considerations for Legalisation (Pt 2)
Part 2. As more European countries legalise recreational cannabis, decisions about how the market should operate, which products to permit, where supply will come from, and how to balance international legal obligations become ever-more pressing.
Considerations for Legalisation (Pt 1)
Part 1. As more European countries legalise recreational cannabis, decisions about how the market should operate, which products to permit, where supply will come from, and how to balance international legal obligations become ever-more pressing.
Report Launch: Recreational Europe
This once-hypothetical scenario is fast becoming a reality. European cannabis reform has become a question of how, not if.
State of Play: Recreational Cannabis in Europe
Understanding recreational cannabis reform across Europe
Hanway help first company in British Isles to receive a licence to commercially supply cannabis in 20 years
Hanway announce that it has provided licensing assistance to Northern Leaf, Jersey’s first medical cannabis cultivator.
2020: Year in review
2020 has been a year of firsts, not least for the cannabis industry. There have been some major positive developments along with some setbacks too.
EU court rules that CBD is not a narcotic
A ruling from the European Court of Justice (CJEU) opens up the French market for CBD, and sets the stage for a regulatory U-turn from the European Commission on novel foods.
Patients benefit as innovation flourishes and acceptance spreads
The team at First Wednesdays (FW), part of The Hanway Company, has been working to create a map of the leading companies in the European medical cannabis ecosystem.
Big changes may be coming for European CBD regulation. Here’s what you need to know
Recently-announced plans by the European Commission to regulate CBD from hemp flowers as a narcotic will have far-reaching consequences for the European CBD industry. We break down what the potential decision means for EU and UK companies, and what possible flashpoints for reform lie ahead.
What’s on the horizon for UK hemp?
With both economic and environmental arguments overwhelmingly in its favour, it looks as though it is only a matter of time before policy is aligned to allow UK farmers and businesses to extract the full potential of this crop.
United Nations Cannabis Rescheduling: A European Analysis
Following a critical review of cannabis and cannabis-related substances, the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD) recommended in January 2019 that cannabis should be reclassified under the United Nations drug treaties.